Cut Down Thigh & Lower Body Fats

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What Causes Lower Body Weight Gain?

Extra thigh fat tends to accumulate on those who have a pear-shaped body. Fat storage in this area is not as perilous as fat around the midsection, but it can still be embarrassing, especially during warm weather months. You cannot spot train your thighs, or any other area of your body, but you can partake in a rigorous exercise regimen and healthy diet to get rid of thigh fat quickly.

A number of factors affect weight gain, including weight that settles on your lower body. Genetics is a primary factor regarding how weight is distributed; it has the potential to dictate certain medical conditions such as obesity. Habits formed early on that contribute to an overweight body may carry over into adulthood, such as always serving bread with meals and always “cleaning your plate” in spite of how hungry you are. Hormonal changes, diet, level of exercise and aging all affect how much weight you carry. In spite of factors beyond your control, there is plenty you can do to counteract weight gain.

How to Get Rid of Bloating & Belly Fat Naturally

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your midsection, take steps to get rid of bloating and belly fat naturally.

Step 1

Reduce your sodium intake by getting rid of junk food in your diet. Junk food is high in calories — which contributes to weight gain — and high in salt — which attributes to bloating. Foods to avoid include fast food, chips, lunch meats and processed meals.

Step 2

Cut out foods that are known for being gas producers. Examples include beans, hard candy, apples, carbonated beverages, cabbage and broccoli. If you feel gassy after eating a certain food, eliminate that food from your diet as well.

Step 3

Drink plenty of water. Water reduces your calorie intake to help you get rid of belly fat. Drinking water also dilutes sodium in the blood to help relieve bloating. Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily.

Step 4

Exercise regularly. Exercise may be helpful at relieving water retention and helps you burn more calories to work towards your weight-loss goal. Perform at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate intensity activity per week, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, that combines cardio exercises such as jumping jacks and jogging, with strength-training moves such as lunges and squats.

Step 5

Count calories. To lose weight anywhere in the body, including the belly, you need to eat foods with fewer calories and reduce your portion sizes. Keep a food diary to monitor how many calories you eat each day. Aim to make a 500-calorie reduction per week to lose 1 pound or more per week.

 What  Not Works Infact

Spot Reduction

Contrary to popular opinion, exercising a specific area of the body — what’s referred to as “spot reduction” — doesn’t work for fat loss, according the American Council on Exercise. In other words, you can’t lose fat in just one area of the body. Working the thighs and belly with targeted exercises will help give them definition and shape, though.


The main goal in any weight-loss regimen is to use more calories than you consume. This will create a calorie deficit and cause your body to burn fat to make up for the lacking calories. To burn 1 lb. of fat, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. If you are consuming as many calories as you are burning, you can drop 500 calories a day from your diet and lose 1 lb. in a week. The rest of the calories can be burned through exercise. The Mayo Clinic recommends losing no more than 2 lbs. a week.


Eat a healthy diet that includes lean meats, whole grains, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products. Eating nuts, eggs, fish and beans while avoiding foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt and extra sugars will help ensure you’re getting the protein and other nutrients you need to maintain and build lean muscle.

Cardio Exercises

The best exercises to burn fat are cardiovascular exercises. Running, jogging and biking work the heart and lungs and tone the legs, thighs and buttocks in addition to burning hundreds of calories per hour. The American Council on Exercise recommends exercising at a moderate to high intensity for 45 minutes, five to six days a week to lose weight. If you are just starting to exercise, start slowly and gradually build your way up to longer time periods and greater intensity.

Resistance Training

Working the muscles of the abdomen and thighs will not burn as many calories as cardiovascular exercises, but they will build muscle and tone the area. Exercises such as situps and crunches are great for the abs, while lunges, squats and leg lifts work the thighs and other muscles. Do resistance training, with or without weights, two times a week, but not on consecutive days to allow for muscle recovery. Do one set of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise and gradually work your way up to doing two to three sets.


Consult a doctor before beginning any weight-loss regimen, especially if you are exceedingly overweight. A daily caloric intake that is too low can cause you to go into starvation mode, which will cause your metabolism to slow. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that women get 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day. Your doctor or a registered dietitian can make recommendations tailored to suit your specific needs.

What Works For Burn Fats

Cardiovascular Workouts

Any activity that gets your heart rate up qualifies, such as brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming or aerobics classes. 

Dedicate 30 minutes to each exercise session five days a week, and you may see a noticeable difference in the fat on your belly. Engage in activities that you enjoy doing to keep yourself motivated toward your fitness goals.


The bicycle exercise tones the abdominal muscles and flattens the belly. It is recommended as the most effective abdominal exercise,It also helps tighten loose skin, eliminating the lumps associated with extra cellulite. Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat

Abdominal Hollowing

Get on all fours and inhale deeply with your belly relaxed. Then exhale and suck in your stomach by pulling in your navel toward your back. Tighten all of your abdominal muscles as you old for several seconds and repeat at least 10 times. Coordinate your breath with the movement so you are exhaling as you pull your belly in and inhaling as you relax back to starting position. 

Build Muscle

Building muscle helps burn belly fat and cellulite, according to the American Council on Exercise. It also improves your metabolism, allowing you to burn fat faster and reach your goal of a flatter belly quicker. Resistance training and weight lifting are two effective muscle-building strategies. Use dumbbells, a resistance band or your own body weight.

Try These 7 Toning Exercises

NOTE: Check with you doctor if you are concerned about any possible contradicting health issue you may have such as weak knees, hypertension or diabetes.

  1. Stationary Lunges – Stand straight up, bend your knees, step and lean forward while the back leg relaxes. All your weight is on the front leg. Hold this position counting backwards from eight. Stand straight up again and switch to the opposite leg. This is one set. Start, everyday, with three sets working your way up to six.

  2. Walking Lunges – As you walk, do the above action but do not stop and hold your position. As you walk, bend at the waist, lunge one leg forward, then lunge the next leg. Do this starting at five minutes with a goal of getting to twenty minutes.

  3. Leg Lift and Hold – Lie on your back, keep your knees and ankles together, lift about a hands length off the ground and hold while counting backwards from eight. Lift and hold again but this time two hand lengths off the ground. Go back to the first one and start over. This is one set. Rest periods should also be held for a backwards count of eight. Do six to eight sets.

  4. Leg Lift and Scissor – Do the same routine as above however, instead of holding, point your toes and quickly alternate crossing each leg over then under the other. Do this for count of twenty for one set. Do six to eight sets.

  5. Leg Lift and Circle – This leg lift is for each leg alone. Lift as described above however this time you will point your toe and make clockwise and counterclockwise circles. Twenty each for a set. Do six to eight sets.

  6. Inner Thigh Squeeze – Wedge a large enough ball or strong, soft object between your thighs, just below the pubic area. Squeeze for a backwards count of ten. Do six to eight sets.

  7. Pulse Run – You will need a track, field or safe pavement area for this routine. Start in a squat and run full speed for fifty steps. Be sure to pump your arms and keep your chest leaning forward. When you stop, stand on one foot for four seconds and then the other for four seconds. Repeat. Try for fifteen then thirty minute sessions.

3 Steps To Cut Down Your thighs Weight

Step 1

Make your diet as clean as possible. Calorie intake is the most important factor for losing fat, and while you may be able to lose weight initially simply by cutting calories, when you get to the final stages of your transformation, you need to do a little more. Get rid of any junk foods, processed foods and empty calories from your diet and replace them with nutritious whole foods in the form of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Add in healthy fats from oily fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil, and keep your starchy carbohydrates to just before and just after workouts.

Step 2

Ask your doctor to do some basic blood tests. According to sports nutritionist Dr. John Berardi, if you are relatively lean yet carry excess fat around your thighs, you may have an imbalance of the hormone estrogen. Your doctor will be able to confirm this with a blood test, and if this is the case, there are certain things you can do to reduce your estrogen levels back to normal, such as reducing your consumption of soy-based foods and adding more cruciferous vegetables into your diet.

Step 3

Add extra exercises into your routine to target your lower and inner thighs. While you may not be able to spot reduce fat in this way, training the area will increase the muscle size, which will give you a leaner look. Exercises such as sumo squats and deadlifts, along with isolations like band adductions, machine adductions and hack squats, all target your problem area. Aim to do two sessions per week focusing on these exercises.

Make sure you’re getting your beauty rest. 

 The great part is that getting enough sleep can also help you lose weight. That’s right:  Sleeping enough can help you lose  weight.

  • When your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it produces a hormone called ghrelin and lowers levels of another hormone called leptin. Leptin tells your brain when you are full, and ghrelin stimulates your appetite. In other words, when you don’t get enough sleep, your body has a bigger appetite and your brain doesn’t send as many signals to your body that it’s full.

  • People with sleep apnea, which causes breathing cessation for periods of time during the night, are also more likely to be overweight. If you think you have sleep apnea, it’s a good idea to get it checked out by a doctor so that your sleep starts paying off — both on energy levels and on your waistline.